Sydney's wing-tagged cockatoos

In collaboration with Dr John Martin, we follow 140 wing-tagged birds in central Sydney, all tagged between 2011-2016. We previously collected observations through the Wingtags app  - this has now shifted over to BigCityBirds 

This long-term citizen science study allows us to follow them across their (long!) lives. This has led to some fascinating insights. For example, from identifying co-occurances of individuals in citizen science reports, we have found that cockatoos maintain long-term social bonds that become more stable with age (publication here). We have also found that the birds of central Sydney are shifting their activity rhythms to match human activities - timing their visits to balconies to when people are home, and using green spaces as a refuge (publication here).

Our Wing-tagged birds:

001 Columbus

002 Waffles 

003 Cockamel         (moved to Sutherland)

004 Macadamia

005 Pina Colada

006 AC

007 James Bond (deceased, PFBD)

008 Juanita        (deceased, PFBD)

009 Burt

010 Juggler

011 Watermelon    (Project ambassador ☺️

012 Heineken

013 Travis (10 on other wing)

014 JC

015 Hazel

016 Mr Squiggle

017 Legolas       (deceased, hit by car)

018 Snow White

019 Freckles 

020 Guava

021 Winnie         (deceased, PFBD)

022 Jimmy

023 Cockastu

024 Chicken

025 Lawrence

026 Venus

027 Party Boy

028 Fidget

029 Peanut

030 Coco

031 Cockajack

035 Shakespeare

036 Scamps

037 Ol Miss

038 Phoenix

039 Peaches

040 Dancin' Jen

041 Uncle Arthur

042 Archimedes

043 Astroboy

044 Sunny

045 Yoda

046 Qui-Gon

047 Lancelot

048 Heidi

049 Charles

050 Belle

051 Barracuda

052 Xavier

053 Wordsworth

054 Spoc

055 AJ

056 Lemon

057 Lily

058 Phantom

061 Elvis

062 Gidget

063 Clive

065 Ninja

066 Houdini

067 Shadow

068 Dione

069 Stinger

070 Aquarius

071 Ali

074 Foxy

075 Special

076 Humphrey

077 Doepel

078 Monster

079 Sally

080 Mad Max

081 Precious

082 Guildenstern

083 Rozencrantz

084 Marbury

085 Tristan

086 Speck

087 Comic

088 The Wig

089 Falstaff

091 Murphy

092 Booker        (deceased, hit by car)

093 Albie

094 Bruce

095 John-Jones

096 Marilyn

097 RatherBeFishin (deceased, brought to vet in 2019)


099 Agent99

101 Unicorn

102 Limbo

103 Tobruk

104 Odenkirk

105 Pepper

106 Xena

107 Polly

108 The Brain

109 Pinky

110 Brutus

115 Dido

116 Cleopatra

117 Mack

118 Disco Tech

119 Jasmine

120 Felix

121 Roberta

122 Chelsea

123 Ellanor

124 Batman

125 Girlfriend

126 Max-Planck

127 Humboldt

128 Georgia

129 Jack

130 Lizzy

131 Indianer

132 Stormageddon

133 King Monkey

134 Sunny Boy 

135 Hudson

136 Heiko

137 Paxton

138 Attenborough

139 Platypus

140 Genghis Khan

141 CockyKen         (moved to Wollongong)

141 Atticus

142 Fossey

143 Bob Brown